Jan 2020 - Apr 2020

A SaaS product for Project Tracking and management which provides dynamic solution with modular approach towards entire SDLC including individual performance tracking.
Tech stack : Node.JS, MongoDB, Heroku, git, HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, Chart.JS

G a M e M o
July 2019 - Aug 2019

Web application to store CHESS games in notation format in a digital replica of real scoresheet.
Tech stack : Node.js, mongoDB, express, mongoose, Bootstrap 4, heroku

Y e l p C a m p
June 2019 - July 2019

Web Application developed during online bootcamp for sharing and searching campgrounds.
Tech stack :Node.js, mongoDB, express, mongoose, Bootstrap 3, heroku

Penetration Testing on Web Server
July 2019 - Aug 2019

Black Box penetration testing on web server under Cyber Security summer training program.
Cyber Security, PenTest, Web Server security, Kali Linux

Web Portfolio
Since Sep 2019

Web portfolio for hosting profile online
Tech stack : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4